
Yes, Kebrom was obsessed with 'mahkeenah's' CARS! He loved the cars we brought. He loved watched Tedros & Amsalu (2 older boys) playing with their cars.

We had carted an umbrella stroller, on and off flights, through airports, because we heard it would make the waiting at the embassy more bearable & help carry a sleeping child through airports. We had to explain to helpful airport staff, why we didn't have a child to put into it when they'd so carefully set it up for us.

WELL...the family who recommended the stroller must not have had a 'mahkeenah' freak on their hands. Kebrom did not understand it was for riding it, but rather pushing around. Our room was up 4 flights of stairs & he & Atsede would carry it up & down. Tedros would give Kebrom rides, tearing around the courtyard. Tedros would come to our door asking for Kebrom & the stroller.

In our room, Kebrom would pat it lovingly & whisper 'mahkeenah.' Atsede would get ahold of it when he wasn't looking for the thrill of scream she'd get when he'd notice.

At the embassy, he started hollering because we couldn't take it with us up the final flight of stairs for the final interview. This of course, was AFTER the tantrum, when we had to put it into the van. Paul got peed on & everything. Haile was able to calm him (Kebrom, not Paul) down a little bit, getting back into the van, by saying something to him in Tigrinia, that the stroller was coming in the van & he'd get it back. We started fantasizing about throwing the stroller, hiding name it.

Such a good idea in theory.


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