We wait...and prepare

Friday afternoon & still no court decree. We're hoping for that soon, to be able to make the 5/26 embassy appointment. God is in control, all this waiting is definately a stretch for this control freak.

Brenna, Kyra, JoyLynn & I went car seat shopping yesterday. So cute, they had definate opinions, on how soft the seat is. It MUST have decent padding. They never complained when they were in car seats...but apparently, they knew the seats were hard!! Color was the next factor. We didn't buy anything, but did narrow it down.

We've been continuing our search for bunk beds. I feel like a stalker on Craig's list, hoping for the perfect loft/bunk beds to come across. Found LOTS of things we 'need.' None we've needed enough to purchase!

My sweet sister-in-law brought over a small bag of clothes her son has outgrown. There's a pair of Osh Kosh striped overalls that were Geoffrey's when he was little. So wonderful for those to make their way back, got all teary picturing my 6'1" son as a little boy in those...and anxiously await my new little boy in them also. One of JoyLynn's Easter dresses from the past made it's way back in the bag also...ooooohh...just so excited!!


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