Emotions are so near the surface

these days, that the smallest thing puts me in tears. You know, logical things, like 'Biggest Loser' or a choir concert song that my child isn't even a part of. After visiting my mom, was in the same teary state, but it was different. Those tears were focused. These are more all-encompassing.

Another family passed court yesterday, and a couple of families got their first court dates. I was so happy for them.

Another adoptive mom, who is waiting for her court date, expressed it so well. "When people were writing about their court dates yesterday I kind of felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz when 'The Great Oz' (the adoption manager) was giving gifts out of his magic bag for each individual...a brain for the Scare Crow, courage for the Lion, and a heart for the Tin Man...and her famous quote was...'I don't suppose there is something in that bag for me is there?' And the Great Oz said 'I'm afraid not. But,' he said, 'I think there is a way we can get you back home!'
For right now, I'm hanging onto that 'But'!!!! 'Maybe'.......does anyone have some red slippers?"

Maybe her phrasing hit home so well because of our "Wicked" obsession. I feel like I know each of those characters and can relate. But even more, I know I can relate because there was an itty bitty (at least I hope it was itty bitty) part of me that was jealous of their good news. I AM truly happy for them...I just want to know it will end happy for us as well.

The waiting would be easier, if I knew, it would end happy.

In the meantime, we wait, we prepare, we pray. And, maybe I'll start shopping for red slippers.


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