Caused and/or Allowed, what a concept

Errors in paperwork are never a good thing. Somehow, the age range on our homestudy (and therefore our customs paperwork) was reduced to 6, and I didn't catch it, as I only proofed the items that were supposed to be changed.

In theory, should not be a problem as Astede was listed as 4 when she was brought to the care center. BUT, the embassy doctor has been estimating ages of children, and that is the number we need to be concerned with. (2 families were kept in Addis for an extra several days while their paperwork was amended). Please keep us in your prayers during this process.

I know in my head, that God's timing is perfect. I know that everything that happens to my family is either CAUSED by God, or ALLOWED by God. I know we can handle it...just so anxious to have our little ones home.

We're waiting for an email back from our state USCIS office on how to get that changed & if there's a fee. Waiting has become quite the theme in my life.


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