Elections in Ethiopia

The state department put out a warning for travelers to Ethiopia from May 23rd through the end of June. Elections are set to be held there the end of May & we've heard the results are announced the end of June. We're hoping for a May 26th embassy appointment. May 26th is also JoyLynn's birthday. A sister & brother sound like a great birthday present!

We took a step of faith and put tickets on hold, for the week of the 26th. We can hold them for 2 weeks. Whereas before, I was certain I did not want that long flight, in one segment...now, I feel myself saying, whatever it takes to get them home...we'll do it...please just bring them home! I feel like I'm 42 weeks pregnant, terrified of labor, but whatever...just end it already.

We made contact with an Assembly of God missionary in Addis. We have a list of items they are unable to get there & we hope to fill one bag for them. God Bless Bob Thomas & his family & the work they are doing in Ethiopia.

Our children here at home are amazing. They help me shop, match outfits...all with excitement. I've never heard anything that resembles a 'what about me?' comment, just excitement. They find lots of things A&K NEED, certain we'll have no trouble spoiling them completely.


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