Next care package

We had a nice visit with my mom & dad for a few days before Easter. Watching my Mom battle ALS is ever so difficult. My Dad seems to be handling it, most of the time. I was happy to help him with some cooking...though I'm afraid the six of created as much work as we helped with! I'm so hopeful Mom will remain strong enough to meet our little ones, and get to know them.

The long drive gave us lots of time to anticipate what our long car rides will be with A&K in the vehicle. We took 'Books,' Brenna's dog, who sleeps on the floor in between Geoffrey & Brenna. I could just picture little K in his carseat, trying to touch the dog with his feet. It felt like d'eja vu...such a perfect imagine in my mind.

Geoffrey completed the care packages for me. I needed his methodical, mathmatical mind to figure out how to fit everything into those ziploc bags! The bags may explode if anyone tries to open them. We're sending A a hot pink dress, baby doll, sunglasses, photo album, stickers, fruit snacks, an egg in the shape of a lamb full of hershey kisses & sidewalk chalk. K is getting a ball, sunglasses, dark green shirt (that I'm afraid he'll think is lame since it's.not purple or pink!), fruit snacks, sidewalk chalk, photo album, the same lamb egg & I'm not sure what else we packed in there!! And, we're afriad to unpack them, in case we couldn't get everything back in the bag.

3 families are traveling to Mekele the middle of April, and then onto Addis. They will take the care packages and so graciously said they will try to measure A&K...AND, trace their feet for us. I'm so excited about that!! Packing will be less stressful if we're reasonably certain we have the right sizes.

Another adoptive mom who has the same court date as us, has suitcases packed for her girls already. How did she do that? I'm so impressed!

My Mom bought several outfits for A&K...we photographed the new clothes & included the photo in their care packages...SO CUTE, from the princess PJ's, to the 'My Big Brother Think's I'm Cool' outfit.

Court date is Wednesday morning. We're hoping we will hear early, since Ethiopia is 9 hours ahead of our time.


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