I think our best day home yet!!

JoyLynn & Atsede & Kebrom ALL played together...it was wonderful!! When Kebrom was napping, J&A brought down baby dolls & blankets & created their own nursery in the living room. They spent nearly 2 hours playing there.

Tonight, A&K discovered a new game. Kicking the basketball under the sprinklers in the field; and, yes, the sprinklers were on. One of our friendliest ewes (Pradler) even tried getting into the game!! The giggles that were coming from those two little bodies...absolutely priceless!!

Our 4th of July weekend was very fun. We spent Saturday at home. Sunday, we took A&K to Elk Meadows, (over the creek & through the woods, Idaho. I wish you could have seen Kebrom running through the huge green meadow, giggling with glee. Atsede bravely running through the cold mountain stream. Then, minutes later, shrieks as independant Kebrom tripped IN the water & got soaked. Shortly after, sister followed suit. I don't think it ever ocurred to them that you could PLAY in water.

Any celebration, is a Happy Birthday. The entire drive to the meadows, Kebrom said "Happy Birthday" to flower, trees...basically anything that was worth mentioning.

We did take photos & will get them uploaded soon.

The fireworks were fun, but a bit scary. Atsede would grab her head & duck when a loud one would go off. Both A&K loved the sparklers...but Kebrom thought fireworks were basically boring & could not compete with fondling the tires of Papa's big tractors.

Corn on the cob is still, by far, their favorite food. Nana made a huge pan of it, thrilled their very souls.


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