A week from today, we'll be holding A&K

Wow that rhymes!! Beyond excited, beyond terrified...overwhelmed, you name it, we've been feeling it.

When we brougt home JoyLynn, I remember Paul & discussing how weird it seemed, to drive to an office with an empty car seat, and drive away with a baby. We kept thinking they'd chase us down, just too good to be true.

This time, we fly to them, and they just let us take these two little people, who are potty trained? How weird is THAT? Astede & Kebrom are 4 & 3. They have all those years I can never recover or understand. Someday, maybe they will be able to verablize those years to me. Our adoption journey is about as close to a baby book as they'll ever have. What do they like, what do they dislike? What will comfort them, or distract them from pain? When our children come to us as babies, we learn those things along WITH them. With Astede & Kebrom, all new ground. Please God, prepare their hearts for us.

A weekend filled with emotion. Super Gramp's burial service was on Saturday. It became real to have the casket rolled into the church. Hard to push it out of my mind at that point. This Grandpa loved me because he wanted to, not because he had to. He was a big man with a big heart. I remember when my mom's dad died, & I was pregnant with Geoffrey. We were at Gramps' house & I mentioned I had no Grandpa's left. He wrapped me in his big bearhug arms & said in a soft voice, as we so often heard the booming voice...HE would be my Gramps. And he was.
The celebration service was on Sunday. We are so blessed with a large, loving family. As I watched the cousins playing, made me happy for what Astede & Kebrom will be brought into. Kids GALORE!

There's so much they are leaving behind...but so much they will be gaining. Praying God will help their hearts and minds be at peace.


  1. Beautifully written Katrina! I too am so excited to share our love and lives with these children.

    ~ Serena

  2. Wow, extremely well expressed. Thank you.


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