Waiting, waiting, still waiting

And STILL waiting! Not hearing from Mom and Dad is hard! I know that Mom and Dad are missing us just as much but it does not make it any easier! But also as I said before, we are having fun with Nana. Today poor JoyLynn went to a funeral with Nana because there was nowhere else for her to go! Meanwhile "lucky Brenna and I" got to stay home and clean. Trust me JoyLynn, not much better!
Yesterday during Brenna's science we went to the mall and got some new sheets for Kebrom and Astede's new beds! Cute sports sheets with a matching pillow case for the twin bed on top of the bunk bed and yellow with pink flowers and purple butterflies for the full on the bottom for JoyLynn and Astede. So cute! After we set up the bed and see how it looks we might go back and get little pillows. So much fun to shop for little siblings!
Sadly in Ethiopia they dont have internet or anything so we are not able to talk with the parents. BUT we are hoping that everthing went fine and they are with Kebrom and Astede! Which I am positive nothing bad happened. I know this because I know God is faithful and he would not bring us this far for nothing.
Yesterday I was listening to my iPod when one of the adoption songs came up. It made me smile knowing that next time I listened to that song with my Mom it will also be with Kebrom and Astede. I cant stop thinking about it!!!!
Well Mom and Dad. I can only say one thing. Come home soon!


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