Our good friend, Scott,

emailed the following yesterday, in response to the previous post. I was so blessed by what he said...wanted to share it.

1) The years that are missing, that she is talking about, since A & K are 3 and 4 are not missing years. They are years the "locust has eaten." Joel 2:25-26 NKJV

"So I will restore to your the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, my great army which I sent amoung you. You shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who has dealt wonderously with you; and My people shall never be put to shame."

I am not telling you anything that you haven't thought of more than me. You are closer to these children than I and I would not presume to lecture. But I will uplift you where I can. A & K have had the "swarming locust" eat far more than either of us have ever known. That is true and you and Katrina are heartbroken for that (as you should be). But, through you, the Lord is restoring to A & K those years that have been consumed. Even more than that, in addition to this restoration, He is also giving them plenty to eat and satisfaction in life. He is giving them a family. Not just a mom and dad and brother and sister, but a family. A family with a godly heritage. The Lord does not restore by bringing old things back. He does not revive dead things. No, He "makes all things new." He resurrects the dead, and they have a new body, not the old one. The family that locust has consumed is being restored with a new family; a family built upon the love of the Lord.

2) Katrina cites a short story about your dearly and recently departed Grandfather. You are both honoring his heritage. Just as he was used to restore a grandpa to Katrina, so too you are restoring a family to A & K, thereby continuing a family tradition and a legacy.


  1. Hi Katrina
    Great post, I love that verse and have never thought of it in that context before! That is encouraging and I hope you have a GREAT trip and can't wait to meet your new kids! Take care and catch up on your sleep on the plane! :)


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