75 agencies

That's the number we were told who work in Ethiopia. 4 families had successful court dates with our agency yesterday, representing 7 children. While I'm so happy for the families, and for the children, and for the life they will have...it got me to thinking. How many children is that, a year?

No wonder many Ethiopians are not thrilled with international adoption. For them, it represents the inability to provide for their children. It's future teachers, mothers, etc, who are essentiallly, being exported. For the government, airline, guest houses, etc., it's become a profitable arrangement.

Then, again, the number of children is a drop in the bucket against 147 million orphans. Cannot even get my brain around THAT number.

We're humbled to bring Astede & Kebrom home. Humbled God would use us in this way, trust us with their lives. I'm a bit scared, okay, terrified of all that can go wrong, yet peaceful because our lives are in God's hands.


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