Would you like to sponsor an Ethiopian child?

No, not ours!!

There are a group of 160 children in the region of Awassa, where no feeding program exists. In Ethiopia, children must pay to attend school. We've been told, Ethiopia has the highest percentage of children suffering from malnutrition. No food bank. No unemployment. No social security.

We've been given profiles of 5 children to help find families to sponsor them. It's about $400 a year, for food and school. It keeps families together. It gives them hope. It gives a father & mother one less thing to worry about.

If you're interested, let me know & I'll get you the information. If you don't want to sponsor a full year, but are interested in a one time gift, you can do that too.

Thanks for thinking about it...please pray God will help us find the right families to sponsor these 5 little ones. God knows every hair on their head. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills.


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