No longer can we say

a year ago, Atsede & Kebrom's lives were normal. It's been hanging over my head in some way. It's strange how this foreign adoption has convinced me, adoption really is not the best option. Making families self-sustaining is the BEST solution. Honestly, in Atsede & Kebrom's case, adoption was the best option, with the healthcare that is available here in American...and I must keep telling myself that.

A year ago in July, their birthfather was killed in an accident. I catch myself thinking about how hard life must have been for their birthmother during this time period, a year ago. Grief over losing her husband. Frustration about the inability to control her fate. I wonder when the realization hit, that she could not care for all of her children. I wonder how she chose. Did she lay there at night, awake, praying for a solution. Just as we, over here, would lay awake praying for the children that would someday be in our family. How long before she took them to the orphanage, had she made the decision. Did she harden her heart to them? Were they hurting during this time period, or were they oblivious?

Atsede clearly remembers life before, but will not talk about it. Blessedly, at least I think it's a good thing, Kebrom appears to remember nothing before our home.

October will be another milestone of change. They were taken to the care center last October. At that point, I will know without a shadow of a doubt, they are better off than they were a year ago.

God, please heal the hurt in Atsede & Kebrom's hearts. Let them know it's okay to love this family too. Help us to always strive to honor the family that gave them birth, and the country of their birth.


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