Tomorrow, it should be official

Barring some strange delay, we're set for district court tomorrow, where our government will put the final seal of approval on what Ethiopia approved last April. Nana bought Atsede a new dress, and Kebrom a suit, complete with tie. Kebrom's outfit is hanging in Paul's closet, right next to Dad's work shirts, at Kebrom's insistence.

I'm looking forward to being through this next paperwork step. Actually, I'm ready to be DONE with the paperwork entirely. It won't be in the back of my mind, taking up disk space. They will just be my kids.

Geoffrey & the 3 little ones & I, went down to the river today. We were looking for greenery for wreaths, but had a wonderful time. The grass & brush was over Kebrom's head. I was holding his hand as his feet often would just miss the ground. At one point, he slipped right out of his jacket!! He thought it was wonderful exploring. At one point, he got a bit behind, and I heard, 'Mommy, wait ME.' How sweet. He didn't want me out of eyesite. Quite the stretch from 5 months ago, when he didn't want help with anything, or to even be touched. Now, he crawls into our bed and runs his fingers through my hair. Definately cuts into my sleep time, but oh, so very worth it.

Atsede had a great time down at the river also. She & JoyLynn are becoming fast friends. They certainly have their tiffs, but so much more they are playing together. Atsede has a great work ethic, once it kicks in. Her jobs are feeding the dog, vacuuming on request & sweeping the steps.

Our friends are currently IN Ethiopia for their court appearance for their new son. We'd been talking about it, and come to find out, Atsede thought we might be sending her BACK. Paul was able to have a wonderful conversation about our excitement preparing to go pick them up, the gifts we sent, how excited we were traveling. Atsede opened up how afraid she was being brought to the guest house, as 'she didn't even know us.' Ahhh...broke my heart. Small children just shouldn't have to be in that position.

They both appear to fear our family is not forever, and who can blame them. Why should they believe us? But, hopefully, they are coming to, just as they're learning to trust us.

Our adoption journeys have left me often contemplating my adoption relationship with God. What a perfect picture for me. How I love JoyLynn, Atsede & how He loves me. Only, He sacrificed His only Son for me. And, I still have my Geoffrey. What a gift.


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