What a Week!!

Geoffrey started college this week. I felt so blessed to be able to make his lunch & wash his clothes, and get to hear his stories when he came home. He put on his chemistry safety goggles & Kebrom said, with awe in his voice, 'I want to buy some of those.'

We started homeschooling. We only did 4 days this week, let's just say that was enough for me :) Today, is Kebrom's very first birthday party. We've been cleaning & cooking most of the day...little guy is SO EXCITED. He's fairly certain six o'clock & car loads of cousins are never going to get here.

This week, I missed my Mom more than ever. It's been less than 2 months but feels like forever. Maybe it's getting back into our routine, that for the last several years included calling Mom every day after schooling was over. Maybe, it was finishing the quilt and taking it to the machine quilter. Maybe, it was Brenna finishing the back to her quilt. Maybe, it was Geoffrey getting his hair cut & looking particularly handsome & grown up. Maybe, it was shopping for Kebrom's birthday party & not being able to share all those details. Maybe, it was watching the kids swim at the river, watching Atsede figure out she COULD stand up and get out on her own, and not being able to share that milestone. Maybe, it was Kyra decorating and awesome cake. Maybe, it was finally figuring out how to clean my sewing machine by myself (usually it's safer if I don't take things apart). No one but Mom really cared, or understood that crazy conglomeration of stuff, that makes up my life. Oh Momma, I miss you so much it hurts.

On a positive note, 'they' say it gets easier. Not sure who 'they' are, but if I find them, just might punch them, just once for good measure. Grief hurts. Didn't expect it to hurt like this.


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