Been thinking

I’d been thinking how far we (and maybe I mean ME) have come in a year.

My laundry pile no longer bothers’s always there. Don’t believe it’s replicating on its own, last year I had some serious concerns aliens had invaded my laundry room.

There are no left overs in our home. I must plan on cooking every meal. And, I’ve learned to consider hot cereal a meal. It’s vitamin fortified, right? But seriously, that was a huge adjustment for me. I didn’t realize I was in a pattern of make a meal, then make a meal around leftovers. And, we’ve used Costco meatballs & many corn dogs...and everyone is still alive & breathing.

Haven’t felt the urge to hide in my closet, holding the door tight, for a really long time. In fact, can’t remember the last time. Progress!! I’ll take it!

Hopefully, I’m learning I don’t have to be in control all the time. And, I’ve learned to say to the kids, yes, I need you to go to bed, not because you’re tired, but because I’M TIRED. And, that’s okay.

Teenagers may take more emotional energy than a small child.

A child adopted at birth may not feel connected til age 10 (but I’m hoping we’ve gotten there).

It’s a journey, not a destination.


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