1 week down, 25 to go

Our first week of shots is behind us. Shot 2 was quite a bit more traumatic for both Kebrom & I. Ended with both of us in tears. Paul consoling Kebrom & distracting him with a bubble bath; Brenna consoling me. Thankfully, shot 3 went SO MUCH better. He was chanting, 'it hurts, it hurts;' 'are you done? that didn't hurt!' HURRAY. The dosage doubles on Monday, but hopefully, my technique is improving & it still won't hurt. On a different note, this week, Kebrom announced to Geoffrey. 'I gonna play football, basketball & baseball. I'm gonna play for the Mariners & be on TV. It gonna take a long time!'

Atsede had her first kindergarten soccer practice this week. Her first game is tomorrow. Paul thinks the Y should charge admission for K soccer. She's on an all girl team, which should be good for entertainment value, I'm certain. Atsede also went to Awana for the first time. We're figuring out, those GIANT eyes come back whenever she's uncertain or nervous. Her eyes were HUGE during the chaos of the first week, all new kids & new experiences. God bless all those volunteers who give up their Wednesday evenings & prep time for our children. Atsede's grasp of English continues to improve. We were coming home from town, & Paul turned into the gas station instead of the road to our house. Atsede hollered, 'DAD, you SCARED me!' I asked her, 'Scared you, or confused you?' 'Oh yeah, confused me. (pause) What does confuse mean?'

JoyLynn is continuing to do well enrolled at Valley Christian. She's doing her homework willingly, working on her memory work without complaining...such a blessing. It's strange not having her around the house all day long! Taekwondo has started again. She's looking forward to being in the Homecoming Parade next week.

Brenna, Kyra & Atsede finished their 3rd week of school. Geoffrey finished his 4th week at the University. I think I'm finally getting a grasp on who is where at what time each day. No small feat considering each child's schedule is different every day.

It's funny, still, the experiences that make me miss Mom. I so badly wanted to call her & tell her about the shot experience. Her fear of needles & success with her insulin shots gave me courage. Our quilt came back from the machine quilter & I have the binding half way on. She'd be so happy & proud. Wanted to tell her how amazing Brenna is teaching the 2 small ones Bible verses & stories. I wanted Kebrom to recite Gen. 1:1 for her...TO CUTE!! Wanted Atsede to recite Psalm 23:1, such an accomplishment for her, because for some reason, it's harder for her to memorize. Oh well, maybe she knows.


  1. So thankful the third shot went better! Praying for you guys, and for complete healing for Kebrom! Hugs.


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