It's official...We're WAITING!

On January 28, 2010, we signed paperwork and fedex'd it in, to formally begin the process of bringing A (5, girl) & K (3, boy) to our home from Ethiopia. A&K currently reside in a care center in Mekele.

It's been a journey that began in August 2008 & a domestic homestudy for a baby born in New Orleans. Then, our file moved to a Bethany North Carolina in February 2009, where we waited, and waited...until June 2009 when a birthmom chose our family. In late July, she decided to keep the baby. We were so sad...but God directed us.

In September 2009, we sent in paperwork to Children's Hope, a wonderful agency that works with Ethiopia. We re-did homestudy, completed a dossier...completed end of December & they told us we were now officially waiting (what WERE we doing before then?)

Over Christmas, we found pictures of A&K...but after a week or so, found out there were with another agency. We waited, prayed, waited prayed, but just couldn't get them out of our heads. CHI said no one had ever made it as far/paid as much/as we did & then switched agencies, but proof yet again, God does have a sense of humor for working with this type A Mom.


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