Cowboy Kebrom

Thought I posted this picture a while back, Nana gave Kebrom these clothes for the fair. He wore them every single day (yes I did wash them each night).

It's also what he's chosen to wear for his dedication at church tomorrow.

On a different note, we've completed week 3 of his interferon treatments. He's doing AMAZING!! He's doing so good, we don't have to have labs taken this week. And, no side effects. This is not an indication of whether the medication is working; I don't believe we find that out til we're done with treatment. BUT...I'm grateful he's feeling good. His main side effect seems to be he gets totally wired. Bouncing off the walls. Picture the boy in 'Home Alone' as he partied around his house. We'll thankfully accept this side effect over all the others.


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