It's been a while

We've been busy on the farm, with new lambs. Which translates into, sleepless nights. 2 ewes down, 2 to go.

Lately, I find myself thinking so much about our adoption journey. I'm not sure why. (Maybe it's all those sleepless nights) So many comments that people make, I have a prepared response for. For instance, 'what about their REAL mother?' However innocent the question, it always makes the hair stand up on my arms. Excuse me, but I AM their REAL mother. My beloved children do have a birthmom, whom we love and respect...but I am their REAL mother. Legally, and in my heart.

One comment that I cannot seem to come up with a logical response, 'it's such a wonderful thing you're doing.' I'm not sure how to respond. We don't feel like wonderful people, or extra special in any way. It's what God has called us to do, and we responded. So far, I think I've tried to be gracious, say thank you & nod my head. But, inside, images of my most difficult moments during this process flip through my minds in a sick slide show. When I've lost my temper, when I've cried, when I've felt self-pity, you get the idea. None of those images would give anyone the impression I was wonderful.

God gave us all talents. His parable about the talents gives a vivid description of what He thinks about those who bury their talents. God has given our extended family, along with us, the ability to love an adopted child just exactly the same as the ones we were blessed with since birth. Does obedience make us wonderful people? Not really.

I'm not even certain what I would prefer people WOULD say to me. Maybe, 'I'm so happy for your family.' Maybe, 'this is so exciting,' but please, not 'this is such a wonderful thing you're doing.'

As Katie ( has said, it's not our good deed for the day. It's our lives, and it's our children's future.


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