It's been a while!

Life gets crazy busy with 6 kids.

We get to go meet our friends at the airport tonight, flying in with their new son, Tebark, age 7. Atsede & Kebrom lived with him for about 1-1/2 months. Excited for their family to be together.

Atsede is so excited for Valentines Day. She keeps asking if we're going to
buy her something. Evidently, Christmas made a big impression :) Funny thing about that, she was with me when I bought the chocolate hearts. Not sure if she forgot about the hearts, or just hoping for more.

Kebrom's new thing...running around the house with his shirt off. "Kebrom,
why is your shirt off?" "Mom, I SO hot!!" He also has moved his basketball hoop by the coffee table, so he can jump off the table & dunk the ball. Paul never gets tired of watching that.

Basketball season is nearly over for Geoffrey. It's been a painful season, having to sit out because of his head. He coached the 'C' squad boys, and coached JV about 1/2 the time. Excellent experience for him; however, not quite the experience he was hoping for his senior year. He looks so cute pacing those sidelines.


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