Where have I been?

It's crazy how quickly time can zip by. And it's been zipping, for sure.

We measured Atsede this morning. She's grown another inch, since June. Explains why all her winter clothes from last year are much too small this year. To her horror, favorites are getting packed in bags & given to cousins. She keeps trying to talk me into letting her wear her 'favorites,' complete with exposed ankles & midriff. Not really the look we're going for. She remains unconvinced.

Kebrom has been on a tear. Or a terror. All the same really, no matter how you say it. He just finished week 7 of his treatment. For some reason, this week, his mental reserves seem completely gone. He cried & kicked. Then, cried some more. Not much better for the blood draw. And, in between, his ability to self-check seems to have disappeared. Like, maybe I shouldn't try to stomp on the puppy because I'm in a bad mood. Or, maybe, I shouldn't scream til my mom has to carry me out of a store...while everyone in the store looks & things, what kind of a parent is SHE? Time for hyper awareness, trying to head those things off. On the bright side, these side effects are supposed to go away when treatment ends. I say to the nurse, 'WHEN TREATMENTS ENDS?' Oh yes, when treatments ends. There are 19 weeks left of treatment. Here's hoping it ends much sooner. And, here's hoping it IS tied to medication and he's NOT turning into 'that' child.

JoyLynn went out for 4th grade basketball. We looked in the gym, and see a row of heads, and one sticking a full head, close to a foot, higher than everyone else. We agreed with the coach. She's going to wait & play on a 5th grade team. On the way home, I heard her describe to her sister, 'I had to lean down to talk to any of my teammates!' Waiting is good.

Kyra has her puppy, Pongo. He's an adorable Toy Manchester Terrier, who is particularly cute when 'doing his business' OUTSIDE. Not quite as cute when he thinks he should be doing those things indoors. He adores Kyra & is quite the snuggle buddy. He cries if you try & move him when he's sleeping, in a lap, under a blanket, his preferred sleeping zone. He's a bit afraid of Kebrom, and who can blame him? Brenna's dog, Books, is amazing with the little puppy. Lets Pongo pull on his beard, very cute watching them play together. Books is so gentle. Kyra is great sport & seems to getting the responsibility attached to owning a puppy. She's become a master at running the carpet cleaner.

Brenna turned 16 yesterday. Crazy! I thought back to the day she was born. How Mom was so EXCITED, that she flew in from Washington. Mom, Brenna & I were shopping at the mall a mere 20 hours or so after Brenna was born. Brenna wanted to try on my wedding dress...and oh wow, she's looked beautiful. Made me all teary, thinking it will seem like such a short time, when that will be facing us 'for real.' She has a speech competition today & has been working on her speech.

Geoffrey grew a 1/2 inch, after being the same height for over a year. His first year of college is moving along. He got his first (I think EVER) C, because he was unwilling to put down on paper what his professor wanted to hear. I admire his courage. A few weeks ago, in another class, he also was the only student to raise his hand, when the professor asked, 'who here, DOESN'T believe the earth is millions of years old?'

Paul took me to Lolo Pass, to see the Tamarack's in their brightest colors for my birthday. We ate at Lochsa Lodge...were the only guests eating at the time...it was so peaceful. The fall colors were amazing. So fun to see those trees close up. He then went to the mall with me, maybe his LEAST favorite thing to do, right down there with cleaning puppy poop. But, he had a great attitude.

Been missing my Mom, a lot lately. So weird how it comes in waves. I finally got the courage to read, "Heaven is for Real," the last book Mom had read to her. Cried, and cried, and cried. Happy tears, yet sad tears. When Atsede & Kebrom grow out of clothes Mom bought, makes me sad. Both Kyra, Brenna & I got rings from Mom for our birthdays. I remember wrapping those, under Mom's guidance. Sweet memories. I love the relationship I've been building with my Dad, a different one than I've ever had...but do miss my Mom. Finished another quilt she started, progress.

Time keeps flying by.


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