Atsede's first ever birthday party!!

Our girl is officially 5!! Though, we'll never know for sure exactly how old she is...but, she's happy to be 5. Her party was such a big deal to her. Shopping & dinner with Nana on the 1st. Then, Saturday FINALLY arrived!! Lots of cousins, a few friends, her favorite game of charades...and cake!! Kyra made the beautiful cake. It was so special!!
My heart wonders, what is their birthmom thinking these days. Does she wonder what they're they've grown? Does she wonder if they remember her? I wonder that. If we show pictures of Ethiopia & kids from the care center to Atsede, she says she doesn't remember. The other day, she asked us what an Amharic word meant. Her past seems completely gone from her.
I ache for all adjustments to be passed...and for normal life, every day. Atsede & JoyLynn fight, A LOT. And, let's just say, JoyLynn is rarely the instigator. Why is this? How can we stop it? How can we parent this little one who desparately needs love, and so often still pushes away.
A year ago, we were waiting for a court date. Feel so very blessed how far we've come.


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